Mac 定 PC好?????????

2009-08-19 6:48 am
如果我讀新高中的CIT(電腦)同ART,想買部新電腦,我應該買Mac好定PC好?我中意Mac尊用個D軟件(iWork..),但又驚佢唔支援唔到其他軟件(Photoimpact等)。我聽講Mac機可以用Window,但在 Mac機用Window會唔會同普通D PC機一樣?會唔會好慢?D軟件會唔會唔支援D唔支援D?我的預左一萬元買機,點選擇好?

回答 (3)

2009-08-19 7:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
actually it depends on what software do you use most, if you have to use Windows base software, PC is your choice, although Mac is much more reliable than PC because its design on software and hardware are perfect match.

Myself, I manage system 24x7 and always using PC laptop with Windows Vista, I do not have a lot of problem. Because except the software for work, I have never installed other software for game, etc.

When using Mac, you have to consider to buy Mac version software which is usually a little pricey than Windows version.

The virtual Windows version in Mac, just providing an alternative for you to run Windows software, it is good for user who sometime need to access to Windows base software.

Therefore you have to understand and to compare how many times of you to run Windows software and Mac software. If your majority to run Windows base software is 70%, go for PC. Otherwise go for Mac.

2009-08-19 10:27 am
MAC機有一個唔好處係如果做好左一D FILE,要過落一D PC機到~
2009-08-19 6:57 am

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