Result in GCSE

2009-08-19 5:40 am
I will study GCSE in the approaching year, and if I want to study in Faculty of dentistry in HKU, then which subject should I take?? How many As do I need to get?

Ad For GCE-AL, which subject do I need to study?

回答 (1)

2009-08-21 8:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 如果你係想讀denitstry的話, 最好有phy, chem, bio, maths, eng啦, 但係好多學校都係會一定要你讀呢一個既, 而呢, 你可以揀geog, food tech. history 呢一d 既... 其實呢, 好多時, 大學係會睇gcse, 但係唔會睇得太重, 因為gce 先係真係要睇下你讀過d咩subject 既, 所以如果你gcse 係有phy, chem, bio, maths, eng的話, 就算你之後果一d subject 係讀咩, 都會冇問題的.

2) 而要幾多個a呢, 最好呢, 如果你讀10科, 最好全部都係a以上, 而a* 估多過一半的話, 你個application既chance 都會高一d 既, 因為你同時都要同一d 係係hk讀ce 而有a 既學生compete 既, 就算你gcse 考得唔好, 有b丫, c丫果一d 呢, 到左gce 有straight a 呢, 咁個機會都會低d既..

3) 而gce a-level呢, 可以揀phy, chem, bio, maths, further maths, 會好一d 的:) 係typical 讀medicine 同dentistry 既人會揀既subject 黎既=]

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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