F1 MATH 求救!!!!!!

2009-08-19 4:17 am
Mr Lee wants to attract more customers by lowering the price of the lemonade by 12.5%.
After lowering the price ,the number of customers increases by 20%.

(a) What is the new price of each glass of lemonade?

(b) How much does he earn daily after the price reduction?

(c) Should Mr Lee lower the price by 12.5% or should he keep the price at $4 in
order to earn moremoney?

唔好意思~ 漏左第一句:


Mr Lee is a hawker who sells lemonade. The cost of each glass of lemonade is $2.4 , and the selling price is $4.

回答 (1)

2009-08-19 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) 4(1-12.5%)=3.5
the new price of each glass of lemonade is $3.5
(b) 3.5-2.4=1.1
He earn daily after the price reduction is $1.1 for each glass of lemonade
(c) Let the no. of customer is X, originally
Before reduction the price, his profit is
After rduction, his profit is
Since 1.32X<1.6X, Mr Lee should keep the price at $4 in
order to earn moremoney.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 13:44:37
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