Be used to / get used to

2009-08-19 3:13 am
What is the difference between 'Be used to' and 'get used to' ?

1. Even though my aunt has lived in Engliand for many years,she is still not (used to going out / get used to go out ) in the cold weather in Wiinter.

2. John has been in MExico for a long time so he (used to eat / has got used to eating) spicy food.

回答 (4)

2009-08-19 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
What is the difference between 'Be used to' and 'get used to' ?

1. Even though my aunt has lived in EnglAND for many years,she is still not (used to going out ) in the cold weather in Wiinter.

She is still not used to going out .......( Status)

2. John has been in MExico for a long time, so he / has got used to eating) spicy food.

has got used to eating...........( present perfect tense)

This is to show John HAS already got used to doing something. ( Action)

He used to eat ..............=/= he has got used to eating...........

He used to ...........= in the past, he did this.


He used to SWIM( no - ing) in winter. <---- in the past he swam in winter.

2009-08-18 20:30:05 補充:
This is to show John HAS already got used to doing something. ( Action )

It means he is still used to doing that. ( not past tense here)
2009-08-19 8:00 am
Be used to = get used to = 現在習慣.....
used to = 以前經常...


第一句一定係用used to going out , 因為前面有個is, Be used to = get used to . is無理由後面再加個be

第二句一定係has got used to eating , 因為如果用used to eat既話,就變咗:佢係墨西哥已經一段日子, 所以佢以前習慣食竦野??? 前言不對後語
2009-08-19 7:14 am
used to =曾經
get used to = 習慣
1. 用get used to go out

2. 用has got used to eat

2009-08-19 01:17:14 補充:
Get used to 是一個很常用的片語, 表示習慣於某件事, 例如我說美國的天氣很乾燥, 你就可以回答我 "You will get used to it!" 要注意的是, get used to 跟 used to 是截然不同的意思, used to 是說過去習慣如何如何, 例如, "I used to get up at 5:30." 言下之意就是你過去都是 5:30 起床 (當兵的時候), 但那已經是過去式了.
2009-08-19 5:45 am


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