我想讀私校重讀中4 有無好介紹

2009-08-18 5:28 pm
我想讀私校重讀中4 有無好介紹 最好係港島 OR 旺角左右都OK

回答 (3)

2009-08-19 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
匯賢~呢間野唔出名,我 d fd係佢度讀日校,話d老師幾nice,你唔諗住入去玩,佢上堂冇人敢係度玩。佢話有d同學舊年3分,今年考14分。咁一定要自努力啦。
2009-08-19 9:23 pm
北角瑪利亞書院 would be a nice choice. One of my friend has gone to that school and she thinks that the teachers do have passion to teach the students and students in there are not really naughty at all, so you do not need to worry about that.
參考: myself
2009-08-18 10:19 pm
你可以試下北角瑪利亞書院。 Tel.: 25668515

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