Very easy math! Help!

2009-08-18 5:23 pm
Please help me with the following question!

Prove that we can find a positive integer n such that 7^n ends with 001.

Ahem. 0 is not a positive integer. Read the question carefully PLEASE.

回答 (2)

2009-08-19 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
74 = 2401 = 2400 + 1
(74)k = (2400 + 1)k
= ∑(r=0 to 2400) (kCr)2400r
Any terms higher than 24002 are multiples of 10000.
So ∑(r=0 to 2400)(kCr)2400r can be expressed as 10000N + 2400k + 1 where N is an integer.
It is obvious to see if k is a multiple of 5, the second last term is a multiple of 1000 leaving the whole sum a number with ending digits 001.
Indeed 720n satisfies the required condition for any positive integer n.
2009-08-18 5:41 pm
n=0 時 , 咩既 n 次都等於 1

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