中文打字 learning

2009-08-18 2:31 pm
I left HK to study abroad for many years. Now I wish to learn 中文打字.

1. What are some common types of 中文打字? Is "倉頡" the most popular?

2. Where can I download free Chinese typing/learning software on the internet?

3. Do you know any 中文打字練習遊戲? I prefer flash games.


I am using the english version of windows; I couldn't use some of learning software that I downloaded online (it came out in weird font/code).

回答 (3)

2009-08-18 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. First, i interest to know whats your first nationality...
2. Second, 中文打字? you may mean中文輸入法? 速成(or calling簡易倉頡), Is the most popular倉頡 and we are calling中文輸入法(not 中文打字)。
3. You can download free Chinese typing/learning software by many website, just use google search 倉頡輸入法下載。There is one of the place﹕http://input.foruto.com/freecj/a3.html ,which version you want
4. Same, you can search倉頡遊戲。There is one of 中文打字練習遊戲flash games website(many kinds)﹕http://www.hkedcity.net/article/parent_it_fun/050901-003/
If you are using english language windows, it may not support 中文輸入法, but i never used english version...

2009-08-18 10:21:23 補充:
if you are using chinese windows,it is installed in your windows already. double click CTRL+SHIFT

2009-08-18 10:34:35 補充:
And there is 速成(or calling簡易倉頡)﹕ http://input.foruto.com/freeqk/freeqk03.htm
速成 typing compares 倉頡 to be slow, but 速成 learning fast than

2009-08-19 22:47:27 補充:
there,i found some teachs- http://translate.google.com.hk/translate?hl=zh-TW&sl=zh-CN&u=http://www.sevenforks.com/forum/messages/324.html&ei=4QuMSpuZLoyQkQWq3ckx&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25E5%259C%25A8%25E8%258B%25B1%25E6%2596%2587windows%26hl%3Dzh-TW

2009-08-19 22:47:57 補充:
google search- http://www.google.com.hk/search?hl=zh-TW&q=use+chinese+typing+in+english+windows+&meta=&aq=f&oq=
tell me if thats works,because i never used english windows...
2017-04-09 6:35 pm
Rose rose
2009-08-18 9:39 pm
分為要訣:<<一個碼至兩個碼的字除外 >>
1頭二尾 (李)木弓木, (書) 中土日
2頭二三尾 (落)廿水竹口, (哥) 一口弓口
3頭,頭,頭尾 (彬)木木竹竹, (順)中中中金
4頭,頭二尾 (姊)女中難竹, (喝)口日心女
5頭,頭尾,尾 (婿)女弓人月, (攪)手竹月山
6頭尾,尾 (舉)竹金手, (梁)水戈木,(息)竹山心
7頭尾,頭尾 (陳)弓中木田, (夏)一山竹水
8頭尾,頭,頭尾 (憂)一月心竹水,(鼻)竹山田一中
9頭尾,頭二尾 (蛋)弓人中一戈,(歷)一木卜中一
10頭尾,頭尾尾 (鼎)月山女一中,(蟲)中戈中戈戈

2009-08-18 14:16:47 補充:

憂↓ 夔 ↓ 蛋 ↓ 夒↓ 夏 ↓ 幾 ↓ 鼻 ↓ 舉 ↓ 鼠↓
一月 廿金 弓人 一金 一山 女戈 竹山 竹金 竹難



直落字先打上至下 (戰)

横向字先打左至右 (麗)

有直有横當作兩層 先拆直或先拆横

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