Correct sentence

2009-08-18 4:30 am
1. Stop selling junk food is good.

how to make this verb phrase a subject with the -ing form?

2. They lack self-confident.

What is the problems of this sentence?

001 #2 Why can't I use the word "lack" as a verb?

回答 (3)

2009-08-20 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Stop selling junk food is good.
- how to make this verb phrase a subject with the -ing form?
- Ans: (1) Stopping to sell junk food is good.
- Ans: (2) Selling junk food is bad.

2. They lack self-confident.
What is the problems of this sentence?
- Ans: They lack(Verb) self-confidence (Noun).

順便講講Lack, 上面個Lack 作Verb時係(正確)

Lack 可作Non, Verb 及 Adjective

Tom ia a lack(Noun) of experience.

Tom lacks(Verb) experience.
Tom lacks (Verb) of experience. (Wrong - lack作 Verb時無跟of)

Tom is lack(Verb) in experience.
2009-08-18 8:15 am
1. Stopping to sell junk food is good.

2. Self-confident is an adjective. The verb 'lack' must be followed by a noun or noun phrase. Therefore:
They lack self-confidence.

'They are lack of self-confident' is not correct. It should be 'They are lack of self-confidence', but the new sentence is clumsy.
2009-08-18 4:35 am
1. Stop selling junk food is good.

how to make this verb phrase a subject with the -ing form?

A: Stoping to sell junk food is good.

2. They lack self-confident.

What is the problems of this sentence?

A: They are lack of self-confident.

Hope it can help you~~

Goood luck!!!
參考: me

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