問0靚模 ,校本驗毒計劃,援交少女 的英文

2009-08-17 9:48 pm
0靚模 =
校本驗毒計劃 =
援交少女 =


回答 (6)

2009-08-19 8:52 am
0靚模 =pseudo model
校本驗毒計劃 = school drug testing campaign
援交少女 = compensated dating girl
參考: scmp
2009-08-19 4:25 am
靚模 = pretty model
校本驗毒計劃 = test for the druggy
援交少女 = little bitch OR young bitch
參考: myself
2009-08-18 7:18 pm
靚模 = Liang mode
校本驗毒計劃 =School-based drug testing program
援交少女 =Wonjokyuje girl
2009-08-18 1:49 am
0靚模 = girl model
校本驗毒計劃 = school drug testing scheme
援交少女 = compensated dating girl

2009-08-19 14:24:44 補充:
0靚模也有媒體譯作 pseudo model。

2009-08-19 14:29:26 補充:
compensated dating 是英語說法,日語假名是 えんじょこうさい,羅馬拼音字母是 enjokōsai
2009-08-18 12:47 am
靚模 =

hot pretty model(s)

校本驗毒計劃 =
the school drug-testing trial scheme<---That's how they call it.


Sufficient resources set for drug trial
Appropriate resources will be allocated for the school drug-testing trial scheme, Chief Secretary Henry Tang says, adding the Government plans to launch the scheme at the end of the year.

援交少女 =

1) (female) teen prostitute(s)

-Teen girls who indulge themselves in prostitution.<==============
2009-08-17 10:14 pm
0靚模 = sex young model

校本驗毒計劃 = The examining of drug addiction program
in secondary school

援交少女 = 1 / (women/girls) working as prostitutes
2 / "one for one" girls

2009-08-17 14:15:31 補充:
0靚模 = sexy young model
參考: News

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