老師要我們抓重點 可以幫看內容可以嗎?

2009-08-18 5:54 am
Torres grew up in texes in a poor family, As a child, he already dreamed of being a teather, but his guidance counselor said"Primo, you will never college material",he gave up.

One day,when torres was 41 years old,his wife had enrolled him in college!

torres finishes college, and now he's teaching at Mayfield High School. "Many students don't realize that I'm same man who used to sweep the floor in the this cshool.' said torres

回答 (4)

2009-08-18 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.知道他們的現在式/過去式型態(past tense)和片語(phrase) ~如: grow up( grew up)/ dream of ( dreamed of) / give up (gave up)

2. 關鍵字(key words)
guidance counselor 指導老師

college material 上大學的料 (意不可能上大學)

enroll 登記入學

realize 明白/知道

sweep the floor 掃地

2009-08-17 23:03:27 補充:
我的感想: Nothing is impossible.
2009-08-20 8:39 pm
托雷斯長大texes在一個貧窮的家庭,作為一個孩子,他已經夢想成為teather ,但他的輔導員說: “阿伊澤,您將永遠學院材料” ,他放棄了。


托雷斯完成學院,現在他的教學梅菲爾德高中。 “很多學生沒有意識到,我同樣的人誰用來掃地在此cshool 。托雷斯說:
2009-08-18 6:46 pm
老師的重點是, 他曾經擔任過校工, 做過打掃校園一事.
2009-08-18 6:05 am

因為我不知道你們上課狀況 就不能幫你有效的抓出重點

看你們是上什麼課程 還是文法?

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