physics electrostatics

2009-08-17 2:53 am
Three insulated uncharged metal spheres X,Y and Z are placed in contact.A negatively charged rod is brought near X and sphere Y is then earthed momentarily.If the charged rod is still near X,Which of the following describes the charges X,Y and Z?

- - | (x)(y)(z)
--------- |

請逐個步驟解釋 比如當佢成個 conductor 本身有 15單位既 +ve charge 同 15 單位既 -ve charge 咁 你個rod 過左去既時候 10單位既 +ve charge就會全部去晒x度 5單位 +ve charge 同 5呢位 -ve charge就會去 y度 最後 10單位既 +ve charge 會去晒 z度

一earth 就所有既 -ve charge 咁最後未會 x係 positive y係 positive z係neutral 囉

但 ans 唔係咁 請逐個步驟解釋 thank you.

咁係最後係咪所有既 電子都走晒? 而所有既 +ve charge 就會累積晒係X? 姐係 Y同 Z 咩都冇 ?


物理愛好者—R 引用返你果句 """x既-ve charge就會被rod 排斥而走到去y和Z,"""" 點解唔係所有既 -ve charge 都去晒Z 佢地唔係有幾遠走幾遠? 仲有 所有+ve charge都去晒x 夠位放咩? 跟據你既講法""所以Y 同Z一定無晒-ve charge ,,同+ve charge又去晒x 咁 Y同Z 未咩都冇!? 好抱歉一次過問咁多野 但我岩岩學 concept唔清晰 麻煩晒

回答 (2)

2009-08-17 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
x會有15個+ve charge,但y同z就會neutral。
因為你支rod未拿走,它的 -ve charge still attract x的+ve charge。
而佢地接左地,所以在z的 -ve charge會走左.....(因為xyz is contact,所以電荷可以在xyz內自由走動!)
參考: 自己
2009-08-17 3:39 am
Which of the following describes the charges X,Y and Z?
Your question is incomplete, the diagram you provided is hard to understand.
X, Y and Z are initially neutral and in contact with each other. They are kept in contact throughout the whole process, hence their potentials must be the same.
When a -ve charged rod is placed near X, +ve charge is induced at X on the side near to the rod, whereas induced -ve charge is found on Z at the far side.
When Y is momentarily earthed, the -ve charge on Z will be lost to the ground, leaving behind the +ve induced charge on X, which is attracted by the -ve charged rod.
The final situation is that X is +ve charged (assume the rod is still in place), Y and Z are neutral.
Your given explanation is rather confusing.

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