
2009-08-17 1:25 am
Bronze is harder than copper because
A. the atoms in bronze are bonded by strong covalent bonds.
B. the atoms in bronze are packed closer than those in copper
C. the metallic bonds in bronze are stronger those in copper
D. the atoms in bronze are packed more irregular than those in copper

咁點解more irregularly就會令到atoms冇咁容易slip into each other ?

回答 (1)

2009-08-17 3:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is D.

Copper is a pure metal. In copper, all the atoms are identical, and thus the atoms are packed regularly. When a force is exerted, layers of atoms can slip into each other readily. This explains the ductility and malleability of metals.

Bronze is the alloy of copper and tin. When tin atoms of different size are introduced, the metal atoms are packed more irregularly. Therfore, when a force is exerted, layers of atoms slip into each other less readily. This increases the strength of bronze.

2009-08-19 18:23:33 補充:

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