
2009-08-16 8:33 am

1.The marked price of shoes was $450 and it was sold at $360.Find the discount percent.

2.A box of model with marked price of $600 is sold at 10% less.

(a)Find the discount.
(b)Find the selling price.

help me la~!!

回答 (2)

2009-08-18 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.The marked price of shoes was $450 and it was sold at $360.Find the discount per cent.
(鞋的標價為 $540,並以 $360 賣出。計算折扣百分率。)

Discount per cent
= [(450 - 360)/450] x 100%
= 20%

2.A box of model with marked price of $600 is sold at 10% less.
(一盒模型的標價為 $600,減價 10% 賣出。)
(a)Find the discount. (計算折扣值。)
(b)Find the selling price.(計算售價。)

= $600 x 10%
= $60

Selling price
= $(600 - 60)
= $540
2009-08-16 9:07 am
a) the discount percent is 80% .

360/450 x 100 % = 8

check : 450 x 80% = 360

b) the selling price is $540 .

600 x 90% = 540

hope i can help you

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