How to tell if something's a live or death?

2009-08-15 9:22 am
How to tell if something's a live or death?

回答 (8)

2009-08-15 9:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
it's how to tell if something's alive or dead
check a pulse
if it's an animal or human that is or you can listen for breathing
if it's a plant well you can't really tell just keep watering it and if nothing happens then it's probably dead
2009-08-15 9:30 am
slap em. if they don't wake up, they are dead.
2009-08-15 9:29 am
Animals : Check for breathing and a heartbeat
Plants : Scratch into it and check for green and white
Bugs : You're ******
2009-08-15 9:27 am
If its breathing its alive, if its cold and hard like a board you can put a good bet on it being dead
2009-08-15 9:26 am
If its cold and doesn't move its dead. If it produces heat and moves its alive.
2009-08-15 9:25 am
let me pinch you tell me if you feel it
2009-08-15 9:26 am
put ur ear on their heart, and if their dead, jump up and say EWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-15 9:26 am
see if its breathing just by seeing if the chest is moving and trying to find a pulse on the head

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:37:23
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