
2009-08-16 5:09 am
Christopher Boone is autistic and knows little about human beings; contrastingly, he is very good at mathematics and has a photographic memory.

The story begins as Christopher discovered the dead body of Wellington , Mrs. Spears’ dog, speared by a garden fork and left dead in her front yard. Afterwards, Mrs. Spears’ called the police and Christopher was questioned. He did not like the policeman touching him, and so he hit him and was cautioned. In order to clear his name, Christopher decided to investigate. He recorded his experience in a book, but was confiscated by his father Ed.

Christopher was desperate to find his book back. During his book hunt, he uncovered many letters from his mother Judy, who he was told and assumed dead. Judging from the letters, Christopher concluded that his mother was still alive and that his father had been hiding the truth from him. When his father confessed that he had faked his wife’s death and that he was the one who killed Wellington over a dispute with Mrs. Spears, Christopher was so shocked that he no longer trusted his father. He even feared that his father might kill him, since he had already killed Wellington .

Scared and confused, Christopher set off to find his mother, who lived in London with Mr. Spears. Judy was glad to have Christopher to live with them, but Mr. Spears did not like it. The two of them eventually broke up due to the conflicts over Christopher.

Judy moved into a rented room in Swindon with Christopher, and after an argument with Ed, she allowed Ed to meet him daily for a short while. However, Christopher was still very afraid of his father; he even believed that he should be imprisoned for killing Wellington . In the end, Ed bought Christopher a pet dog in replacement of his dead pet rat Toby, and promised to rebuild trust with his son no matter how long it would take.


出版社, 頁數! 比我D資料我呀!!! THZ!

回答 (2)

2009-08-16 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
克里斯托弗布恩是自閉症,知道一點的人; contrastingly ,他非常善於在數學及擁有照相存儲器。

這個故事的克里斯托弗發現的屍體惠靈頓,夫人Spears '的狗, speared由花園口和左死在她的前院。後來,夫人Spears '的所謂警察和克里斯托弗提出了質疑。他不喜歡警察感動了他,所以他打他,並警告。為了明確自己的名字,克里斯托弗決定進行調查。他記錄了他的經驗在一本書,但沒收了他的父親愛德華。



2009-08-17 12:23 am
患自閉症的Christopher Boone對於人的事情了解很少,相反地,他的數學很好,又有十分好的記憶力。

故事開始在 Christopher發現Mrs.Spears的狗 Wellington的屍體,它躺臥在前院,被種植的坭叉刺死了。後來,Mrs.Spears報警,Christopher 被問話。他不喜歡警察觸摸他,所以,他被警察打和警告。為了令自己回復清白,Christopher 決定去偵查。他將所得的經驗紀錄在一本簿上,但被他的爸爸 Ed沒收了。
Christopher拼命找回他的簿。在找的時候,他發現母親 Judy寫的很多封信件,原本他被告知母親已死,便以為母親真的死了。由信件可以推論,他母親仍未死,父親隱瞞事實。當他父親承認假裝妻子已死,又在與 Mrs.Spears爭執後,殺死她的狗 Wellington時,Christopher甚為震驚,他再不信任父親了,他甚至恐懼父親既然殺了 Wellington,亦可能會殺死他。
Christopher既驚慌,又迷惘,他起程去倫敦,找和 Mr. Spears同住的母親。母親 Judy很高興Christopher與他們同住,但是 Mr. Spears不喜歡,他們結果為了 Christopher起了爭執而分手。
Judy 和 Christopher搬進在 Swindon 租的房子,經過與Ed爭論之後,她准許他每天有頃刻時間和Christopher在一起。但是,Christopher仍然很懼怕他的父親,他甚至相信父親應該為著殺死Wellington而被監禁,最後,Ed 買了一隻寵物狗,代替死去的寵物鼠 Toby,也承諾無論花多麼長的時間,都要重建與兒子之間的信任。

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