al physics - speed vs velocity

2009-08-16 12:00 am
a body can have speed but zero velocity.
what does it mean?
plz explain with an example.
you can answer in English or Chinese.

回答 (2)

2009-08-25 12:11 am
it can.first,speed is a scalar and velocity is a vector
it means it has no displacement
if a car travel 50m forward for 10sec and travel 50m backward for 10sec
speed=travel distance/time
100/40=2.5 per second

2009-08-24 16:12:14 補充:

2009-08-24 16:13:58 補充:
2009-08-16 12:39 am
This statement "a body can have speed but zero velocity" is generally NOT true.
Speed is the magnitude of the velocity, which is a vector and has both magnitude and direction. A zero instantaneous velocity should have zero magnitude. A non-zero instantaneous velocity should have non-zero magnitude (speed).
The statment is only true for "mean speed" and "mean velocity". An object can have zero mean velocity (due to zero displacement), but non-zero mean speed.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:28:49
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