Easy mathematics! 15 points!

2009-08-15 10:42 pm
Just a bit of combinatorics! Please help!

1. Prove that we can find a positive integer n such that 7n ends with 001.

2. For any six persons, there must be three of them who know each other or three of them who don't know each other.

3. John studies at least one hour a day for 30 days. If he spends a total of 45 hours in studying, prove that there is a sequence of successive days on which he studies exactly 14 hours.

回答 (1)

2009-08-18 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Any number with trailing digits 001 can be expressed as 1000N + 1.
1000N + 1 = 7*142N + 6N + 1
By inspection, when N = 1, 1000N + 1 is divisible by 7. Other values for N is 8, 15, 22, …, 7k +1, …

2. Let’s label the 6 persons arbitrarily as A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Assume that we cannot find 3 persons who know each other and we cannot find 3 persons who do not know each other… (X)
Any person, for example A, either knows 3 or more of the other 5 persons or do not know 3 or more of the other 5 persons.
When A knows at least 3 persons B, C and D, then B, C and D do not know each other because of assumption (X). [A knows B and A knows C => B and C do not know each other, etc] This is contradiction to (X).
When at least A does not know 3 persons B, C and D, then B, C and D do know each other because of the same assumption.
Since there are contradictions in both cases, assumption (X) is wrong and we must be able to find 3 persons who know each other or 3 persons who do not know each other.

3. Let the number of hours of study per day be S1, S2, … S30 where Si>1
Let the cumulative study hours from day 1 be Ck = ∑1 to k Sk, and C30 = 45
All these 30 Ck’s are different as all Si<>0, so we have 30 distinct Ck’s.
Assume that we cannot find any successive days that add up to 14 hours, that is,
Cj – Ci <>14 for all i,j
Cj <> 14 + Ci for all i,j … (A)
Since all Cj’s are distinct, all 14 + Ci are distinct, and the max is 14 + C30 = 59.
30 distinct Cj’s and 30 distinct 14 + Ci’s having a maximum of 59 => there must be some Cj equals to 14 + Ci which contradicts (A)
Therefore the assumption (A) is wrong and we can find some successive days that add to up 14 study hours.

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