好重要架 ! 唔該英文高手入一入黎幫我翻譯句子丫 ~~

2009-08-15 8:53 pm
1. 門口有告示話單位已租出 .

2. X 小姐話成日有人打去佢公司騷擾佢 (內容還有恐嚇成份) , 搞到佢家陣無咗份工 , 佢要報警 .

3. 已經將部機器收回及賣出 , 但部機器不值錢 , 所收到的費用只可當作運輸費 .

4. 大閘 (是指舊式的樓宇樓下的閘門) 鎖住咗入唔到去 .

5. 麻雀館 .

6. 已經潛逃避債 .

回答 (5)

2009-08-17 5:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 門口有告示話單位已租出 .
There is a notice posted on the door, showing that the flat has been rent.

2. X 小姐話成日有人打去佢公司騷擾佢 (內容還有恐嚇成份) , 搞到佢家陣無咗份工 , 佢要報警 .
Miss X claims to call the police for someone always phones her office to disturb her. She thinks that the words in his saying contain terrorization and that causes her lost of job.

3. 已經將部機器收回及賣出 , 但部機器不值錢 , 所收到的費用只可當作運輸費 .
I have already sold that the machine after I received it. However the machine costs little and so the money collected can just be used as transport fee.

4. 大閘 (是指舊式的樓宇樓下的閘門) 鎖住咗入唔到去 .
The gate is locked and so we can't get into it.

5. 麻雀館 .
Mahjong Hall.

6. 已經潛逃避債 .
He has already escaped from his debt.

Hope I can help you =D
參考: ME
2009-08-16 12:07 am
There is a notice on the door saying that the flat has been rented out.

Ms. X said that there is a person always calling to her office to freten her. Because of the phone calls, she now is unemployed. She decided to get the police.

The machine has already been returned and then sold. However, the machine does not worth a lot of money, so the money recieved can only be used as the transport fee.

The gate is locked and we cannot get in.

Mahjong hall.

already escaped to avoid repayment of debt
參考: myself
2009-08-15 10:11 pm
1.The entrance has the bulletin words unit to rent out

2. X young lady the words some people hits 佢 the company to harass 佢 (content all day long also to have threat ingredient), does 佢 the now not to have 咗 the share labor, 佢 must report to the police

3.A machine will already take back and sells, but a machine is not valuable, receives the expense only may treat as the transportation cost.

4.The big floodgate (is refers to old-style building downstairs strobe) to lock in does not enter goes

5.House sparrow hall

2009-08-15 9:55 pm
1. The entrance has the bulletin words unit to rent out.

2. X young lady the words some people hits the company to harass (content all day long also to have threat ingredient), does the now not to have the share labor, must report to the police.

3. A machine will already take back and sells, but a machine is not valuable, receives the expense only may treat as the transportation cost.

4. The big floodgate (is refers to old-style building downstairs strobe) to lock in does not enter goes.

5. House sparrow hall.

6. Already fled avoids creditors.
2009-08-15 9:49 pm
1. The entrance has the bulletin words unit to rent out.

2. X young lady the words some people hits the company to harass (content all day long also to have threat ingredient), does the now not to have the share labor, must report to the police.

3. A machine will already take back and sells, but a machine is not valuable, receives the expense only may treat as the transportation cost.

4. The big floodgate (is refers to old-style building downstairs strobe) to lock in does not enter goes.

5. House sparrow hall.

6. Already fled avoids creditors.

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