怎樣見工面試( English Oral )

2009-08-15 7:46 pm
大恩大得, I dont think your teaching forever !

* 轉換工作環境-----------English?

* 出外想學多D知識-----English ?

My name is Mr choy, My phone No is 6532 2356.

回答 (1)

2009-08-15 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For Job Interview, you should use simple English.
The main purpose is to show you can speak and listen.
轉換工作環境 - Change the working environment.
Comment: I do not think this is a good reason. It does not hit the point. Maybe, you want to face new challenge.
出外想學多D知識 - Would like to learn more.
Comment: This answer is bad. Why I have to pay for your learning?You should not say it. You should show them you are quick learner and pick up the new thing very fast. Of course, you have to give them an example.

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