What will those who don't believe in God do when christians everywhere just disappear in the rapture?

2009-08-14 8:52 pm
Will you claim aliens came and snatched us away? Or will it be something more scientific, like the protons in their bodies became unstable and their matter just left this plane and entered another one? I'm just curious, because I won't be here to see that atrocity.

回答 (15)

2009-08-14 8:59 pm
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The Bible says they will believe a lie. That will be easy, because they have always believed a lie.
2009-08-14 9:00 pm
The rapture is but another Roman fabrication that was pulled from thin air at a council and then woven into scriptures via backdoor interpretation. The hard cold truth.
2009-08-14 8:58 pm
it must be nice on your planet
2009-08-14 9:00 pm
It won't happen, keep dreaming.

IF it did, I would enjoy the remainder of my life. The most important people in my life are also atheists, so I wouldn't be alone.
2009-08-14 9:01 pm
There will be no people proofing inti thin air!!!! We will endure til the end. You wil fight in God's name as I will. Christian Fiction is not proving any points to anyone! It makes "born Agains" sound uneducated and backwoods
2009-08-14 9:00 pm
Your Rapture isn't coming. You'll live the rest of your days without seeing it, as will your children and their children and so on, because there will be no Rapture. The Rapture is an invention of just one interpretation of the Book of Revelation--and a quirky interpretation, at that.

Don't take my word for it either--read Revelation for yourself. The Rapture isn't in it.
2009-08-15 5:51 pm
"Disappear in rapture" what a load of bull!
However, if all you god fairing people were to suddenly disappear I would be rather happy. The world would be a much less judgmental place.
2009-08-14 9:07 pm
another left behind story believer...wanna buy a bridge??

Read Revelations for the truth....
2009-08-14 9:14 pm
It seems clear that the "rapture" will be delivered via a large space rock or asteroid just as in the past. Not much to dispute there. Based on that, i assume people of all beliefs will be in the same boat.

Many good Christians have been wiped out by disasters throughout history. i wonder how their "rapture" went?
2009-08-14 9:10 pm
On May 21, 2011 when those who are left behind see those who had been mocked rise to meet the Lord Jesus in the air will suffer great torment as a women in labor who did not expect it, screams in agony:, then for five months will agonize and yearn to see death: "And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he strikes a man. And in those days shall men seek death and shall not find it; and shall desire to die and death shall flee from them." Revelation 9:5-6
參考: Holy Bible KJV; http://www.familyradio.com
2009-08-14 9:07 pm
Christians everywhere won't disappear. Your god isn't real. Get over it.
2009-08-14 9:04 pm
Take all your good stuff - if you have any

I'll go live in one of those mega-churches
2009-08-14 8:57 pm

I will be to busy partying to claim anything!
2009-08-14 8:59 pm
I wouldn't put it past the atheists to blame it on aliens. That or a full panic and realize that is true and it's to late.
2009-08-14 8:56 pm
Atheists will rejoice. Christians will also rejoice. The rapture is a joyous time for all.

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