The color of the ocean is blue due to the chemical makeup of the ocean (mostly H2O) and the amount of light being absorbed. It's not the light being absorbed that you are seeing,but the remainder of light being reflected into your eyes. Color is kind of tricky to explain in that color does not exist. all that the eyes are doing is measuring radiation in the form of light and converting it into color to separate lower radiation from higher ones. The reason why the sky is blue is the same reason why the ocean is blue the water vapor for the most part in air is what give it the blue color, but wait why is the clouds white then??? Well the clouds are white due to the fact that they are more dense and the fact that they are also saturated in charges repelling light particles. No, No that can't be because water should be denser then clouds. Yes water is denser then clouds, but they are not charged like clouds hence it will absorb light instead of repelling it. You can see whiteness of water on the surface when the sun is setting and you see it as a shimmering reflective surface that is kind of white. Here is a simple formulation I made up to get color:
Light + substance + density of the substance + absorption = reflection of the remainder of energy into your eyes (color). This can be best seen in planets or our moon.
Moon has no atmosphere hence it absorbs 0% of light reflecting 100% light back into your eyes causing it to look white.
Earth = dense atmosphere = most of the light being absorbed = blue(low in energy).
Mars = low density atmosphere = low amount being absorbed = red(high in energy).
This is not your conventional science so don't try to understand it if your doing it for class assignments. The above is my crazy way of seeing science that I just made up for people to get what is happening when we see things. come visit my site
and soon I will get my crazy science section up.