在quot. 時 Have , DO 的用法

2009-08-14 10:31 pm
本人第一次用 知識+ ( 很緊張 >_<" )
我的 英文文法 很差...很差... =_="

可否講一下 在 quot. "Have" 和 "Do"在那個情況下才會用 和 其用法 ( 請舉例 )

另外 在 quot. "Have" , "Do" , "Are" 幾時會轉 過去式 ?( 請舉例 )


Are we allowed to park here?
( 係唔係一定要用"Are"開頭 )

Have we allowed to park here?

Do we allow to park here?
( 如可以 , 意思上又有什麼分別? )

如能解答以上問題 本人萬分感謝~ ^0^
( 另外送給最佳解答者 10 點!!!!! )

回想一下發覺我還有問題想問 那我就在補充內容打上問題吧~ =_=" 在什麼情況下會用 "Had " 於一般句子中 , 這是屬於那個式??? e.g. I have done my work. 會唔會有 I had done my work. ( 上面那句文法對嗎=.=? , 感覺怪怪的~ ) 另外是送 20點 才對=_=" ( 上面不小心打了 10點=.=" )


lingthk(中學級 5 級) 太感謝~ ^ ^ 不過 上面還有一題 不太明白 - -" 另外 在 quot. "Have" , "Do" , "Are" 幾時會轉 過去式 ?( 請舉例 ) <---這裡

回答 (2)

2009-08-15 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案

Are we allowed to park here?
( 係唔係一定要用"Are"開頭 ) yes, we are allowed to park here.

we cannot rewrite it as following.

Have we allowed Tom/Mary/somebody to park here? Yes, we have allowed him to park here.

Do we allow Tom/Mary/ Somebody to park here? Yes, we allow Tom to park here.
I hope that you will understand the diference by seeing the said examples.^
( 另外送給最佳解答者 10 點!!!!! )

那我就在補充內容打上問題吧~ =_="

在什麼情況下會用 "Had " 於一般句子中 , 這是屬於那個式???
I have done my work. = no time specified so we use present perfect time - have done or have gone etc....
I had done my work before you called me yesterday/ last Sunday.

This is usually used in the past to show two action - one before the other - use past perfect tense ( had done) and( called) simple past tense
2009-08-15 10:49 pm
lingthk(中學級 5 級)
太感謝~ ^ ^
不過 上面還有一題 不太明白 - -"
另外 在 quot. "Have" , "Do" , "Are" 幾時會轉 過去式 ?( 請舉例 ) <---這裡

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