(2) 如果個Auditor o係annual report寫間有限公司冇deferred tax liability (唔跟A/C standard咁去計), 咁個Auditor係咪犯左法? (**Note: the auditor had qualified the accounts)
addition for (2) --> 咁如果跟a/c standard咁去計就有deferred tax liability呢~~ 咁個AUDITOR 係咪幫間公司"門"稅?!
問多樣.. 咁公司directors 覺得current tax liability 同deferred tax liability 都唔係必需因為公司making tax losses (因為huge allowable deductions available for exploration and development costs.*treated as assets in a/c records*) ...咁點算呀?!
其實allowable deductions available for exploration and development costs係咪唔deductable因為allowable 不等於 paid. ?!?!?? please help!!!X_X thz a lot1!!!!