會計 - income tax *Case*

2009-08-14 2:43 pm
(1) 係咪1定(must)要跟accounting standard? 無論係唔係有限公司.
(2) 如果個Auditor o係annual report寫間有限公司冇deferred tax liability (唔跟A/C standard咁去計), 咁個Auditor係咪犯左法? (**Note: the auditor had qualified the accounts)

addition for (2) --> 咁如果跟a/c standard咁去計就有deferred tax liability呢~~ 咁個AUDITOR 係咪幫間公司"門"稅?!


問多樣.. 咁公司directors 覺得current tax liability 同deferred tax liability 都唔係必需因為公司making tax losses (因為huge allowable deductions available for exploration and development costs.*treated as assets in a/c records*) ...咁點算呀?!


其實allowable deductions available for exploration and development costs係咪唔deductable因為allowable 不等於 paid. ?!?!?? please help!!!X_X thz a lot1!!!!

回答 (2)

2009-08-15 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 在會計行業中,祇有有限公司需要審計,而審計報告要按照香港會計師公會頒布之會計守則去做。無限公司由於無公司法例要求審計,祇有稅務局要求公司保存業務記錄,因此就唔一定要跟會計守則,咁係因為唔同法例嘅要求。
2. 如果間公司係中小企又應用咗公司法例第141D,咁佢係唔需要做遞延稅(Deferred Tax)。聽你咁講即係你無用公司法例第141D,而且會計師要在報告內指出按照會計守則所應該做嘅遞延稅,唔係就咁一句無做就掂!
3. 無做遞延稅唔一定係瞞稅!
2009-08-18 1:41 am
好長的問題, haha

1) 如果係香港註冊的公司,佢既statutory accounts一定要跟HKFRS (Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standard) issued by HKICPA同埋Comply with Hong Kong Company Ordiance

2) Deferred Tax Liability 如果跟據Standard就一定要recognize ge...不過都要視乎Materiality 而已, 如果對間公司盤數影響好少ge通常都可以Leave

唔計Deferred Tax Liability 唔會影響報稅, 因為Tax computation係由Profit before Tax 開始計的ma!

3) 我唔太明咩野係"exploration and development costs"....不過recognize Deferred Tax Liability or not 同Tax loss 應該是冇關係的, 如果你有tax loss 反而可以offsest tim.....

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