What is the best way to study chemistry in class?

2009-08-14 7:56 am
What is the best way to study chemistry in class?please help me...

回答 (3)

2009-08-14 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
i find as long as you keep up to date with the textbook youre all set.

read the chapter of the text once or twice. this introduces you to the new concepts which makes it easier for it to penetrate and remember. the major problem with chemistry is that people arent open to the new concepts. if you keep it fresh in your mind, youre all set.
參考: practice, personal experience
2016-10-01 11:39 pm
i'm assuming you're speaking with regard to the 1st semester of wide-unfold chemistry in college. At my college, we coated ordinary atomic shape, stoichiometry, gas regulations, thermodynamics, answer stoichiometry and calculating transformations in entropy, enthalpy, gibb's loose potential, ect.
2009-08-14 9:12 am
if ur teacher is nice enough pay attention during the lesson..it help alot,although sometime u cant absorb all the things the teacher taught but it can give u some ideas and overview..u will find that very easy for u 2 understand when u go back and revise...

if not when he/she teacher u just try to read and study urself
good teacher helping u..lousy teacher will waste ur time..anyway respect ur teacher..do not talk just do ur own revision..ask ur frenz for help when u meet difficuties

beside do practices on some question to make sure that u really understand and if can try to CREATE QUESTION and solve urself,or asking ur friends and teacher (i like to do that)

yes,ASKING is very important..no matter how stupid ur question is just ask it out..asking can make u like the subject,it can build your passion..(that true)

start ur study and u will find the best way to study naturally...that my experience..i poor in chemistry before but now i have no problem with it=]..luckily, i meet nice teacher that make me interested in chemistry.. >.^

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