
2009-08-14 7:57 am
我想問如果在對答yes同no嘅問題,例如,人地問我: Do you want to have a breakfast? 咁我答yes,咁好正常表示係想的,但如果人地問我: Don't you want to go to watch a scary movie?, 咁如果我答yes, 咁即係表示咩?

如果文法有咩問題請順便糾正, thx

回答 (5)

2009-08-14 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
我想問如果在對答yes同no嘅問題,例如,人地問我: Do you want to have a breakfast? 咁我答yes,咁好正常表示係想的,但如果人地問我: Don't you want to go to watch a scary movie?, 咁如果我答yes, 咁即係表示咩?

Do you want to have breakfast?

Yes, I do. ( I want to have breakfast.)

No, I don't.( I do not want to have breakfast.)

We do not say " a breakfast".


Don't you want to go and see a horror?

Yes, I do. ( I want to go and see a horror.)

No, I don't. ( I don't want to go and see a horror.)

In the English world, many native English speakers tend to say

" to see a movie" ( they go out and see it) and
" to watch a VCD, to watch TV " ( they stay home to watch it).

I am not saying that it is wrong to say" to watch a movie".

For movies, I suppose we may say to see them or to watch them, but

we CANNOT say " to see TV"!

I have heard people say both anyway.

2009-08-14 8:14 pm
英文中yes就代表你o既反應係yes, 反之亦然
YES, I WANT to watch a scary movie
NO, I DON"T WANT to eatch a scary movie
2009-08-14 6:53 pm
在英文grammar裡,回答yes, no 問題時,無論問題用什麼形式來問,答案係「想」,就答yes, 答案係「不想」,就答no,不用理會問題點問。
問:Do you want to have breakfast?
答: yes (即我想)
答: no (即我不想)

問: Don't you want to watch a scary movie?
答:yes (即我想)
答: no (即我不想)

Is snow white?
Snow is white, isn't it?
Snow isn't white, is it?

參考以下網址Answers to tag questions這部分

2009-08-15 23:16:30 補充:
Is snow white?
Snow is white, isn't it?
Snow isn't white, is it?
答案的 yes,代表 yes, it is white.
2009-08-14 9:13 am
if u give me 20 points i will answer..

2009-08-14 01:13:57 補充:
Do you want to have breakfast?

Yes, I do. ( I want to have breakfast.)

No, I don't.( I do not want to have breakfast.)

Yes =/= 係..
參考: me
2009-08-14 8:32 am
呢個係 question tag

(-)negative Don't you want to go to watch a scary movie?,
( 中文係: 唔通你5想睇恐怖電影?) 佢暗視左你係想睇

(+)positive = yes,i do (我想睇)

前面(+) 答者要(-)
前面(-) 後面要(+)
參考: book

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