完成高級文憑後升學問題? 請解答 拜託拜託!

2009-08-14 7:41 am
我今年完成左商專既工商 hd 想讀top up degree
見到有間叫The University of Northampton(NU)
有無人知質素如何? 係BA(Hons) in Business and management
係hkiche 合辦 $57000 final year

價錢咁平 質素 認受性等如何? 請幫幫手 唔該你!

回答 (2)

2009-08-14 5:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先你唔應該係果間商專讀 hd, 因為商專只係一間冇乜認受性嘅學店 !! 另外, The University of Northampton 在香港嘅認受性亦唔高, 甚至冇人識 !!
其實你應該去港大嘅 HKU SPACE 搵 diploma 讀, 話晒名氣同埋認受性都高好多啦 !!

2009-08-14 15:48:50 補充:
這個係理大同埋Northumbria University 合辦嘅 degree, 而且 Northumbria University 都算有名氣同埋認受性, 都讀得過嘅 !!
2009-08-14 5:44 pm
(1) BA(Hons) in Business and management
係 hkiche and The University of Northampton(NU) 合辦
hkiche 的課程相信未必是其他大學認可. 換言之,完成左商專既工商已經沒有其他選擇

(2) 不過, 你/妳也可放心.
The University of Northampton | Good University Guide - Times Online 泰晤士報
From Times Online May 27, 2009
The Times Good University Guide ranking (last year): 92 (84)
Total score out of 1000 (last year): 362 (376)
The Sunday Times University Guide ranking: 92 (99=)
Accommodation: ...For more information click here. http://www.northampton.ac.uk/accommodation 校方網址
泰晤士報 Times Online 另一介紹網址 University of Northampton
泰晤士報 Timesonline 可信性
www.google.com.hk serach : 泰晤士報 www.timesonline.co.uk
香港品牌網頁 www.brandhk.gov.hk 屬於香港特區網站 www.gov.hk
根據英國《泰晤. 士報》 2 0 0 7 年出版的 世界大學排名榜 (World's University Ranks),香港的三家大學均被...
當然,最安全的做做法是給University of Northampton一個email求證是否hkiche是否課程代理.

2009-08-16 09:13:36 補充:
Northumbria University, UK
Total score out of 1000 (last year): 434 (395)

2009-08-16 09:13:45 補充:
The University of Northampton
Total score out of 1000 (last year): 362 (376)

論排名, 論課程
The University of Northampton
BA(Hons) in Business and management

2009-08-17 12:43:39 補充:
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management
Northumbria University


Entry requirement
... higher diploma..or an equivalent ...and have achieved a pass (Grade e or above) in HKALE Use of English, a score of 575 in TOEFL
or 6.5 in IELTS

2009-08-17 12:46:02 補充:
University of Northampton 北安普頓大學 (日間制 / 兼讀制)
BA (Hons) in Business and Management - Final Year (在港修讀 HK$57,000)
本校專業文憑校內試 50分合格在本校直升 The University of Northampton 之工商管理學榮譽學士學位最後一年,
豁免大學英文 IELTS 入學試要求。

2009-08-19 10:47:01 補充:
本地大學學院 是否有一定的保障 ?


只要hkiche是University of Northampton的代理.


2009-08-20 10:34:48 補充:
hkiche 是 University of Northampton 的代理


Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education
Tel: 852 3578 9478

University Course
BA (Hons) Business & Management (by Distance Learning)

2009-08-20 10:38:02 補充:
hkiche是University of Northampton的代理


Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education
Tel: 852 3578 9478

University Course
BA (Hons) Business & Management (by Distance Learning)

2009-08-20 12:32:14 補充:
hkiche是University of Northampton的代理
P.19 Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education Tel: 852 3578 9478

University Course BA (Hons) Business & Management (by Distance Learning)

2009-08-20 12:33:01 補充:
hkiche是University of Northampton的代理

P.19 Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education Tel: 852 3578 9478

University Course BA (Hons) Business & Management (by Distance Learning)

2009-08-20 12:33:52 補充:
hkiche是University of Northampton的代理

P.19 Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education Tel: 852 3578 9478

University Course BA (Hons) Business & Management (by Distance Learning)

2009-08-21 08:34:32 補充:
hkiche是University of Northampton的代理


P.19 Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education Tel: 852 3578 9478

University Course BA (Hons) Business & Management (by Distance Learning)

2009-08-21 08:35:01 補充:
hkiche是University of Northampton的代理


P.19 Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education Tel: 852 3578 9478

University Course BA (Hons) Business & Management (by Distance Learning)

2009-08-21 08:35:16 補充:
hkiche是University of Northampton的代理


P.19 Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education Tel: 852 3578 9478

University Course BA (Hons) Business & Management (by Distance Learning)

2009-08-21 08:35:54 補充:
hkiche 是 University of Northampton 代理


P.19 Hong Kong Institute of Continuing Higher Education Tel: 852 3578 9478

University Course BA (Hons) Business & Management (by Distance Learning)

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