An unclear relationship with a girl... opinion please?

2009-08-13 7:21 am
I met a girl last year and she has a boyfriend but I know their relationship is not very good (I learned that from her friend) but, she still always helps him (and also her other friends). In the past few months, the girl and I had been going out (only 2 of us-- every time) (sometimes she asks me out, and sometimes I ask her to go out): go coffee shop, dinner, lunch, plays tennis, celebrate her and my birthday, talk everything. We both seem very happy. (All our friends don't know and never expect we go out at all). She only very briefly mentioned his boyfriend twice with his negative things. And, two days ago, I saw her with her boyfriend in front of a shop and they saw me as well (they did not hold hands) and she DID NOT INTRODUCE her boyfriend to me. We only said "hi". Why she has never told me much about her boyfriend? And it seems like she is trying to do whatever she can to avoid talking about her boyfriend in front of me. But, she told her other friends about the "Bad things" of her boyfriend. What is going on now? Does she still her boyfriend? What is she thinking?

回答 (2)

2009-08-13 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
She is thinking she can have you both. She probably doesn't tell you the bad stuff because it is not your business and she can have you without your sympathy. If she tells you the bad then you will always tell her that she should leave him. the thing is she doesn't want to leave one for the other. She wants both. Stop this before you come back on here saying what a ***** she is and that she used you. Be a man and walk away. If someday she leaves this guy well at least then you will have a chance to have her all for yourself and not have to wonder about bfs. I hope this helped a bit.
2009-08-13 2:47 pm
thats tough. all you can do is wait. Maybe she needs some positive attention from a guy and the best thing you can do is be supportive. Girls often talk about the bad things of relationships because they want people to feel their pain but it seems like she may be drifting away from her boyfriend. I would be there for her as a friend for now and just wait till she breaks up with her boyfriend

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