undead patch 問題(steam)(10分)

2009-08-12 9:49 pm
點解我用左undead patch.玩連線時佢話
"this steam account does not own this game,plaese log in the correct account"

回答 (1)

2009-08-20 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
undead patch 只係幫你破解STEAM , 令你可以下蛓佢既game .

"this steam account does not own this game,plaese log in the correct account"意思係話你冇正式購買某只game ,冇權連接到某遊戲 ,要求你登陸有正式購買某只game既acc .

即係你唔可以連接到正版sv , 正係可以連接到盜版sv .
參考: steam

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