
2009-08-12 7:49 pm
about percentage~!


1)What is the increase in interest for saving $10000 in a bank at a compound interest of 20% p.a. for two years,if the interest is compounded half-yearly instead of annually?

2)What is the difference between simple interest and compound interest(compounded annually) at 4% p.a. for 2years with a principal of $20000?

3)At what simple interest rate will a sum of money triple itself in 20 years?

4)The population of a city increase steadily at 4% every year.If the present population is 250000,find its population after 3 years.Give your answer correct to the nearest thousand.

5)A tree is now 6.76m high.Two years ago it was 4m high.If the tree grows at a constant rate every year,what is the annually growth rate?

6)A man put $10 into a bank at the beginning of 1900 at a compound inerest of 8%per annum,compounded annually.How much can he get back at the end of 2003?(Correct the answer to nearest cent.)

2)compound interest
5)simple interest
7)constant rate
8)annual growth rate
9)per annum
10)compounded annually

vocab 第一個係 interest~

回答 (1)

2009-08-12 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)What is the increase in interest for saving $10000 in a bank at a compound interest of 20% p.a. for two years,if the interest is compounded half-yearly instead of annually?

Increase in interest
= $10000(1 + 20%/2)2x2 + $10000(1 + 20%)2
= $10000(1.1)4 + $10000(1.2)2
= $(14641 - 14400)
= $241

2)What is the difference between simple interest and compound interest(compounded annually) at 4% p.a. for 2years with a principal of $20000?

Difference between simple interest and compound interest
= $20000(1 + 4%)2 - $20000(1 + 2x4%)
= $20000(1.04)2 - $20000(1.08)
= $(21632 - 21600)
= $32

3)At what simple interest rate will a sum of money triple itself in 20 years?

Let R% be the interest rate.
Let P be the principal.

P(1 + 20xR%) = 3P
1 + 0.2R = 3
0.2R = 2
R = 10

Simple interest rate = 10%

4)The population of a city increase steadily at 4% every year.If the present population is 250000,find its population after 3 years.Give your answer correct to the nearest thousand.

Population after three years
= 250000(1 + 4%)3
= 250000(1.04)3
= 281216
≈ 281000 (to the nearest thousand)

5)A tree is now 6.76m high.Two years ago it was 4m high.If the tree grows at a constant rate every year,what is the annually growth rate?

Let R% be the growth rate.
4(1 + R%)2 = 6.76
(1 + R)2 = 1.69

Since 1 + R > 0
then (1 + R%) = 1.3
R% = 0.3
R% = 30%

The annually growth rate = 30%

6)A man put $10 into a bank at the beginning of 1900 at a compound inerest of 8%per annum,compounded annually.How much can he get back at the end of 2003?(Correct the answer to nearest cent.)

No. of years
= [(2003 - 1900) + 1] years
= 104 years

The sum that he can get back
= $10(1 + 8%)104
= $10(1.08)104
= $29927.51

1)interest - 利息
2)compound interest - 複利息/複利
3)p.a. - 每年 (全寫是 per annum)
4)annually - 每年的
5)simple interest - 單利息/單利
6)triple - 三倍
7)constant rate - 固定利率
8)annual growth rate - 每年生長率
9)per annum - 每年 (簡寫是 p.a.)
10)compounded annually - 每年複利一次

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