
2009-08-12 4:57 pm
Active Voice
Change the following sentences in to active voice
e.g. A box of chocolates has been eaten.
The greedy boy___has eaten a box of chocolates.___

e.g. The sick girl was taken to the hospital.
The sick girl's mother___took her to the hospital.___
(1) Very heavy loads can be carried by elephants.

(2) This bad egg must be thrown away.
The cook_______________________________

(3) The news can be heard on the radio at eight o'clock.

(4) The bell will be rung at the end of each lesson.
The teacher____________________________________

(5) The boys were punished yesterday.
The teacher________________________________

(6) The murderer was sent to prison for life.
The judge_______________________________

回答 (2)

2009-08-12 5:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Elephants can carry very heavy loads.
The cook must throw away away this bad egg.
We can hear the news on the radio at eight o'clock.
The teacher will ring the bell at the end of each lesson.
The teacher punished the boys yesterday.
The judge sent the murderer to prison for life.
參考: me
2009-08-12 6:43 pm
1)Elephants can carry very heavy loads.

2)The cook must throw away away this bad egg.

3)We can hear the news on the radio at eight o'clock.

4)The teacher will ring the bell at the end of each lesson.

5)The teacher punished the boys yesterday.

6)The judge sent the murderer to prison for life.

Hope these can help you !
參考: mellissa

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:47:56
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