big bang theory????????????????????????????

2009-08-11 12:00 pm
do u think that eventually everything will get sucked up in a big black hole until it builds up enough that it explodes and creates another big bang or is this physically impossible lol

回答 (8)

2009-08-11 12:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
With the current expansion rate increasing exponentially it is unlikely that our universe will collapse on itself (aka Big Crunch); there doesn't seem to be enough matter, and thus enough "gravity" to pull everything together (this kind of universe is known as an closed universe). As a result, it seems that we would continue to expand forever in an open universe until everything is near absolute zero; known as a "heat death". Of course this would be a very, very long time, 10^100 years or longer.

As for creation of another big bang, it's hard to speculate whether the collapse of the current universe will spring into another universe because it is an untestable experiment. However, there are numerous other theories such as String theory in layman terms that suggests big bangs originate by "collisions" of universes. If you are interested you can watch PBS special "Elegant Universe" which will explain it pretty well.
參考: Astronomy Class, Elegant Universe by Brian Green, and wikipedia :
2009-08-12 6:16 pm
There is a clear explanation of what is going to happen.

The whole universe will melt in fervent heat, the stars will fall, the heavens "will be folded up like a tent."

We live in a very fragile temporal dwelling or existence.The world economy is extremely fragile.Small as we are on Earth our impact on this environment impacts on the whole.We are stewards of Earths resources but we cannot control what goes on beyond.

Science declares there to be a multitude of dimensions, some of which we cannot discern as yet.

This was very clearly explained in Roman Times but is born our by the sequence of events we see regarding Earth today in our newspapers.

Read thesis by Paul AD 30 to the Greeks and Romans in Thessaloniki
copy of which in New Testament letters.

Modern mathematical models go some way to reconciling this cosmology in terms of BBT ,black and white "holes" but they lack the true End Times Scenario as so graphically explained 2000 years ago with its images of thermonuclear war in Revelations plus the greater picture of a New Order in Gods Creation.

The global flood and magnetic shift in the polar axis was Gods first decree in which he said " He was sorry that He created Man". He neverthless extended His Power and love to save mankind from ultimate destruction through the conflagration of the universe.

Historic records confirm that He sent His Son , not simply as a "prophet " but as our representative to plead our cause and pay for all our conflict with God and His Laws of nature.
參考: " Starlight and Time" - Nuclear Physicist D Russell Humphreys PH D. "Evidence for Truth" Dr EK V Pearce, anthropologist and archaeologist " Re building the Matrix" Dennis Alexander on Science and Faith in the 21st Century. " Big Bang, small voice "by PG Nelson, University specialist inorganic chemistry. " Developing a sense of the Eternal " Ian Bunting Grove Books. " The facts of Life" by agnostic Richard Milton. Shattering the myths of Darwinism"
2009-08-11 8:55 pm
There are two main forces acting universally:

One is gravitational force, acting between each and every object present in the universe. this force is attraction between each other, tries to bring objects nearer to each other.

Second centrifugal force, in the objects moving in various orbits, is the force separating objects from one another.

In addition to this the total energy, such as atomic reaction on various planets, Kinetic energy, heat and light. Changes in the state of energy may effect motion of various objects in the universe.

apparently it seems whole system is slightly out of balance, and the result is the continuous expansion of universe.

Now it depends on which side the imbalance tilts in future. If separating forces increase, the expansion of universe will go on. but if somehow the kinetic energy is lost, atomic phenomenon slows down,
huge black holes develop Immense gravitational forces, the possibility is that the expansion may get stopped and can be reversed,
Collapse in Single point.
2009-08-11 7:07 pm
there is 2 theorys on how will it all end one is "Close" theory which is it will end its expansion and begin contracting again.
And "Open" theory which is it will just keep expanding untill it destroys itself
2009-08-12 12:10 am
I prefer to believe that the universe will continue expanding for trillions of years until all the stars go out and the black holes evaporate due to Hawkings radiation. Until someone OBSERVES, scientifically, something entirely different.
2009-08-12 12:00 am
I do believe that this will happen. Our solar system is going to crash with another solar system about a million years from know. This solar system is going to clash with the solar system called Andromeda.
2009-08-11 9:46 pm
no, i think it will end in the big rip
2009-08-11 10:09 pm
That's my theory, yes. It seems the only logical conclusion to current cosmology. The question is whether or not the next universe will be one of lower energy, and the one after that, and so on down to nothing?

Is eventual total ennui all we have to look forward to?

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