Some Eng problem

2009-08-12 4:43 am
Here are some english sentences , (((can you explain them in chinese!)

1. Mr Chan arrived home later than usual yesterday.

question on 1: arrive is (v.i.) , it should be followed by a
preposition,but why there arent?

2.a)We must take this possibility into account.=
b)We must consider this possibility.
why there is no ( into account)in sentence b

3. My father shaves himself every morning.

Is the about sentence correct?

4.Was she hurt herself when she fell off her bicycle?

It should not use "was" but "did" , why?

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2009-08-12 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. arrive不錯是v.i(不及物動詞),不及物動詞不一定要跟preposition,只要沒有直接受詞就可以
但為甚麼可以arrive home?因為這個home並不是名詞,而是副詞(adverb),如:go home, come home等等的home都是副詞
2. take into account是一句片語,其意思就是to consider when judging a situation:
所以既用consider就並不要用into account
3. 句子不能算錯,因為shave是及物動詞,又是不及物動詞,既為及物動詞就可以有直接受詞(object),如牛津第六版就有一例:
The nurse washed and shaved him.
My father shaves every morning. (這豈不簡潔得多)

4. 因這句有herself這反身代名詞,故這句的hurt並不是形容詞,又不是組成被動語氣(passive voice)的過去分詞(past participle),而是主動詞(使受傷之意)

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