主題: 報稅 (中譯英)

2009-08-11 10:18 pm
請翻譯以下全句, 謝謝!!
今年你報咗稅未呢? 遲交可能會被罰款的!

回答 (4)

2009-08-12 5:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
今年你報咗稅未呢? 遲交可能會被罰款的!
Have you submitted the tax return for this year? Late submission
may result in a fine!
Have your ever tried to submit the tax return via internet?
2009-08-13 1:04 am
Have you filed your tax return yet? You will get fined if you miss the deadline! Have you ever filed online?
參考: just trying
2009-08-12 6:36 am
Have you reported your tax for this year? It may subject to fines and penalties for late payment. Have you ever tried reporting tax online?
2009-08-11 10:24 pm
今年你報咗稅未呢? 遲交可能會被罰款的!
The tax year and Avis? not knocked up Late payment may be fined!


參考: Bing 翻譯

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