主題: 一身酒氣 (中譯英)

2009-08-11 10:09 pm
請翻譯以下全句, 謝謝!!
那個男子一身酒氣, 不怪得他在電梯上跌倒受傷啦!
聽聞他跌穿頭, 傷勢都唔輕.

回答 (5)

2009-08-11 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
那個男子一身酒氣, 不怪得他在電梯上跌倒受傷啦!
That man reeked of alcohol - no wonder he hurt himself falling on the escalator.
reeked of alcohol - 一身酒氣
no wonder - 不怪得
escalator - 電梯
聽聞他跌穿頭, 傷勢都唔輕.
I heard that he fell and busted his head quite seriously.
跌穿頭 - fell and busted his head
"穿" 係用 "busted", 並不會用 "broken"
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2009-08-11 11:09 pm
你班友唔識英文, 就唔好用翻譯軟件, 扮識英文, 頂你地唔順!
2009-08-11 10:27 pm
The man dressed all in booze, don't blame him fall injuries on the elevator!

Heard he dropped past head, were not barring others from light.

參考: Bing 翻譯
2009-08-11 10:23 pm
That man was obviously drunk, you could smell the beer from his body, no wonder he fell apart on the esculator and got injured.

It seems that he hurted his head quite seriously.
2009-08-11 10:12 pm
The man all over wine angry, blame he fall, injure at lift!

Hear he slump beyond head, condition of an injury well, light.
參考: me

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