
2009-08-11 6:22 am
1.... You have send me your Bank account Information.
2. I will drive down to my bank and make the transfer for the payment of item
3..... Immediately the Transfer has been processed,You will recieve the Transfer notification email from my bank
4... Once you got the Transfer Notification email from my bank,You will need to go and make the shipment of the item to my son in NIgeria and send the Shipment details Including the shipment waybill reciept which you got from HK speedpost Courier to my bank Manager via email ( transferhelp@accountant.com )
5 Once my bank manager has confirmed that the item been sent to my kids.They will confirm the shipment with Hk courier and remit the funds immediately to your account withing 24-72hours and you will be able to recieve the cash payment from your bank account


回答 (5)

2009-08-19 10:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. ... 你已傳了你的銀行戶口資料給我。
2. 我會通知我的銀行預備轉錢。
3. ... 轉錢手續已經完成,你會收到我銀行的電郵通知。
4. 你一經收到銀行通知,你需要安排品物寄往我在 尼日利亞 的兒子及把郵寄的資料 ,包括由 香港郵政發出 寄件服務的寄件收據 (這個意思即是你必須用香港郵政局的 speedpost 服務) 電郵到我銀行經理,電郵網址為 transferhelp@accountant.com
5. 當我銀行經理確認物件已傳到我的兒子手上,佢地就會用香港速遞確認並 於 24 - 72 小立即把錢傳入你的銀行戶口裏。你就會從你的戶口內收取此筆款項。

1. 首先佢個銀行經理堅定流?最好問對方攞埋呢個銀行經理係邊間銀行,有冇電話,姓咩名咩。跟住打去呢間銀行既電話 (而唔係佢比你既電話) ,睇下冇有呢個經理係度。如果冇,十成十騙案。
2. 佢收唔收到貨你鬼知咩,等佢收到先比錢佢咪好發?最好叫佢先比訂金,比較安全,之後真係唔比錢都蝕少啲嘛。
3. 如果真係決定要寄,咁你要小心啲,最好用多少少貴既服務 (問問郵政局),以確保佢係收到你件郵件,咁有得做証明嘛。
參考: ME
2009-08-16 3:02 am
中文 : 1…. 您有送我您的银行帐户信息。
2. 我將压低到我的銀行並且做項目的付款的調動
3 ..... 立即調動被處理了,您從我的銀行將收到調動通知電子郵件
4… 一旦您從我的銀行得到了調動通知電子郵件,您在尼日利亞將需要去做發貨項目對我的兒子和送發貨細節包括您從HK speedpost傳訊者得到給我的银行经理通过電子郵件的發貨貨運單收據(transferhelp@accountant.com)
2009-08-11 7:10 am
1 ....您已經給我您的銀行帳戶信息。
2 。我將壓低到我的銀行,使轉移支付項目
3 .....立即轉移已處理完畢,您將收到轉讓通知電子郵件,我的銀行
4 ...一旦你得到了轉讓通知電子郵件,我的銀行,您將需要去,使一批項目,以我的兒子在尼日利亞和發送貨物詳情,包括貨物提單收到了你從香港特快專遞信使我的銀行經理通過電子郵件( transferhelp@accountant.com )
5一旦我的銀行經理證實,該項目被送到我的kids.They將確認貨物快遞與香港的資金和職權立即到您的帳戶內的24 72小時和您將可以收到現金付款從您的銀行帳戶
2009-08-11 7:02 am
1.... You have send me your Bank account Information.
(You have to send me your bank account information)

2. I will drive down to my bank and make the transfer for the payment of item
(I will arrange the transfer request immediately)

3..... Immediately the Transfer has been processed,You will recieve the Transfer notification email from my bank
(The transfer request will be process right the way, you will receive the notification from your bank shortly)

4... Once you got the Transfer Notification email from my bank,You will need to go and make the shipment of the item to my son in NIgeria and send the Shipment details Including the shipment waybill reciept which you got from HK speedpost Courier to my bank Manager via email ( transferhelp@accountant.com )
(Once you got the notification, please arrange the shipment to my son in Nigeria with HK Speedpost, please send a copy of the airway bill to my bank manager via email)
當你收到通知後, 請將安排貨物經香港快遞付運到我兒子於尼日利亞的地址, 並將付運單副本電郵給我銀行經理

5 Once my bank manager has confirmed that the item been sent to my kids.They will confirm the shipment with Hk courier and remit the funds immediately to your account withing 24-72hours and you will be able to recieve the cash payment from your bank account
(My bank manager will verify the shipment with HK Speedpost, the payment will be made within 24-72 hours after verification)
2009-08-11 7:00 am
1 ....您已經給我您的銀行帳戶信息。
2 。我將壓低到我的銀行,使轉移支付項目
3 .....立即轉移已處理完畢,您將收到轉讓通知電子郵件,我的銀行
4 ...一旦你得到了轉讓通知電子郵件,我的銀行,您將需要去,使一批項目,以我的兒子在尼日利亞和發送貨物詳情,包括貨物提單收到了你從香港特快專遞信使我的銀行經理通過電子郵件( transferhelp@accountant.com )
5一旦我的銀行經理證實,該項目被送到我的kids.They將確認貨物快遞與香港的資金和職權立即到您的帳戶內的24 72小時和您將可以收到現金付款從您的銀行帳戶
參考: me

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