subjunctive mood

2009-08-11 6:12 am
我唔明subjunctive mood係點用......

回答 (2)

2009-08-11 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are different moods in English.

Let me first show you three moods.

1) imperative -------( a command)

Peter, turn down the stereo!

Boy and girls, keep quiet!

2) Indicative ------------- usually about questions or statements

-Peter turned off the TV. <------- To talk about Peter turning off the TV= a statement

- When did he arrive in Japan?<--------- a simple question

a statement contrary to fact, a wish, supposition,etc


1) If I WERE a bird, I would fly in the sky.( supposition)

( conditional type 11)

Were I a bird, I would fly in the sky. ( A formal way of writing it)

2) I suggest you call Mr. Chan today.

I suggest you ( should <-- is here) call Mr. Chan today.

3) As if

Mr. Chan is talking to us AS IF he WERE the boss around here.

( The fact is that Mr. Chan is not the boss.)

4) as though

It is AS THOUGH Helen WERE here with us.

( She is not with us now.)

5) wish

He wishes he WERE not there.

( He is there actually.)

I wish I WERE 10 years younger. ( It is impossible!)

6) lest

I am anxious lest he ( should here) become ill.

7) a demand- ( His requirement)
His requirement is that everyone be computer literate.

8) It is important/essential that......

It is important/essential that they BE present at the meeting.
9) request

She requested that HE ARRIVE EARLY.<---

10) traditional expressions

Long LIVE(verb) freedom!

( Freedom should live long.)=自由萬歲

These are verbs typically followed by clauses that take the subjunctive:

ask, demand, determine, insist, move, order, pray, prefer, recommend, regret, request, require, suggest, and wish.
2009-08-11 9:58 pm
If you were a boy, I would marry you.
If I were there, I would have helped you.
If Mary were my sister, I would have introduced her to you.
If I could get the moon, I would have given it to you as your birthday gift.
Normally, we use subjunctive mood to express a wish or something is not real or unlikely to happen in our actual life.

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