得返1年都冇就會考... 我次次英文既reading, listenning 都未試過及格.......係由小一到中4, 跟住之前英文miss話我英文堂留心左,有小小進步,但係我發現考試d 分數既比率(30-40/100)同以前無異.
我努力記生字(睇字典)and 改善緊d 基本grammar(問老師) ,但係點改都係唔合格...由其係listenning,我以經差唔多預左唔合格咁,次次聽佢講野仲快過我個腦load 10倍有多.
reading就...我都唔知點解會唔及格,上次有3篇文章我都明明地,做落去都係唔及格, 有時d文章明明出d 好易既生字連埋(個個字都識解),但係我都好似解唔到成句..
點算????我唔想死英文,有冇d 有經驗既人幫下我? 應該做d咩?由其reading and listenning呀...
I think that i did not pay any attention in my primary school.In f.4, i awake it ,but is it late?
The exam is coming soon,i never past on ever english test and eaxm,reading and listenning.It is the history of my P.1 to F.4.Then,my english miss told me, your english results is progressing after you pay attention in enlish lession.
However , i think my test mark also bad that not different from pass.
I see the progressing hard and is improving my grammar(ask teacher)but how i change that aslo not pass in test/exam , listenning especially. I have give up the listenning .Every time it speak faster than i load.
Reading ... I don't why i can't pass.last time, I was understanding 3 text but not pass too.Actually,it usually have a easy word connecting(i kown every word mean) yet i can't do it.
what i can do? I don't want to not pass in english.People Who have experience can help me?I can do wt to improve?particularly reading and listenning