
2009-08-10 9:48 pm



回答 (9)

2009-08-10 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Can you (still) call it holiday without travelling?
Can you (still) call it holiday without going somewhere?

如同中文: 沒有去旅行, 怎能算是放假啊! 意思就是一定要去.
can you call it ..... without ...... ? 是英文常用句型, 如同中文 : 如果沒有......, 又怎能算 ......?
2009-08-11 2:55 am
Hey hey hey!!! The third answerer copied the first answer! That's unfair!
2009-08-10 11:34 pm
We must go for trip on holiday.
參考: storybook
2009-08-10 11:06 pm
Where can I go to a trip in vacation.


2009-08-10 15:08:29 補充:
正確的應該是:Where can I go to a trip in vacation?
參考: me
2009-08-10 10:05 pm
How can I have a vacation but not travel?
2009-08-10 9:55 pm
How come not travelling in holiday?
2009-08-10 9:55 pm
of course, we must go to travel during the holidays !

i don't know whether this sentence is the meaning of your sentence or not
but i hope it can help you~

2009-08-10 13:59:44 補充:
there're some sentences more near to your meaning:

how can we don't go to travel during the holiday?
how can't we go to travel during the holiday?
參考: me
2009-08-10 9:50 pm
Would you like travel on hoilday
2009-08-10 9:49 pm
How can we/you not travel in a vacation?

Hope this can help!
參考: Myself ^_^

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