
2009-08-10 6:08 pm
以下句子, 英文點寫呀


回答 (6)

2009-08-16 1:18 am
My customer confirmed that he had no income received since 1 April, 2009 then. However, it is expected he could get other income in the near future.
2009-08-10 7:08 pm
My guests said that after 1.4.2009 are not income, but the future will have other income, but the time being there will be no other income is now
2009-08-10 7:03 pm
My customer stated he/she does not have any income since 01 April 2009, but afterwards will have some other income just but not now.

Hope can help you!!!!!!!!
2009-08-10 6:51 pm
My customer stated he/she does not have any income since 01 April 2009, but afterwards will have some other income just but not now.
2009-08-10 6:47 pm

My customer said that he/she will not have any income after 1/4/2009, but will soon have an income. However, he/she does not have an income right now.

Hope this can help!
參考: Myself ^_^
2009-08-10 6:13 pm
我個客話由1.4.2009之後都冇收入,但將來都會有其他收入,不過暫時現在都不會有其他收入。 (全句翻譯)

My guests said that after 1.4.2009 are not income, but the future will have other income, but the time being there will be no other income is now

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