有無人可以教我點打reference letter...好急

2009-08-10 9:25 am
因為我某d原因...我要出一封reference letter比人...但我又唔係好識用英文打...有無人可以help help我...我伊星期2前比到佢...唔該大家...封信中文大約係咁...可唔可以help我出一封意思大約係咁既英文信...同埋我中文果封咁打有無問題...會唔會過份簡單...唔該各位...

執事先生 / 女士:



XXX女士是本公司的售貨員,負責售賣本公司之服飾。XXX女士工作認真… 富有領導才能...做事有責任感...





回答 (2)

2009-08-10 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案

Date: (填上班最後一日)

To Whom it May Concern:

I highly recommend (Ms 填員工全名) as a candidate for employment. She was employed by (填上公司全名) as sales reprensentative from May 2003 - Sept 2009. (填上公司全名) is a retail company. She was responsible for sales of female fashsion dresses and handling retail shop affairs.

She is responsible and conscientious about her work. She has leadership, excellent sales and communication skills and good perfermance.

She leaves on her own accord. She would be a tremendous asset for your company and has my highest recommendation.


(填上妳職位英文全名) (例Shop Manager/Shop Superviser)

2009-08-10 02:42:44 補充:

2009-08-10 02:43:22 補充:
2009-08-10 4:57 pm
xx/xx/2009 (日期)

To Whom It May Concern

Dear Sir/Madam

This serves to confirm that Miss XXX (識員姓名) was in the employment of XXX(公司名) from May 2003 to August 2009.

The principle activity of XXX(公司名) is the retail of lady fashion. Miss XXX (識員姓名) was responsible for selling apparels and accessories.

During the time with us, Miss XXX (識員姓名) proved herself to be a conscientious and dutiful employee. We were impressed with good leadership skills.

We wish her all the success.

Yours faithfully

XXX (您的姓名)
Shop Manager

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