我有一篇英文作文,需要IDEA, 麻煩幫手~~謝謝!~^^

2009-08-10 8:20 am
In what ways has the internet changed the lives of people in Hong Kong in the last ten years?
Describe both positive and negative effects.
Give your composition a title.

回答 (1)

2009-08-10 6:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Internet has greatly speeded up communications between people, providing a lot of convenience to us. People can send information to each other via email or MSN almost instantaneously, and they don't have to deliver message by mail which may take a day or two. For teachers and students, the Internet has given great support as to provide a huge amount of information just a click away. They can search their entries on online encyclopaedias, or ask question on the web (like what you aredoing right now). Besides that, the Internet provide complex social networks like Facebook and MySpace so that people can use them as another form of communication. Through these websites, users can share comments, photos, video recordings and other things with their friends and collegues, which adds to our entertainment. Last but not least, the Internet acts as a news reporter and users can watch news online without newspaper etc. Also you can mention online shopping and how it helped different household. People only have to sit at home an a lot of things are done automatically.

As for the negative effects, think of how the Internet has made teenagers glued to the computer monitor all day long and reduce their time to studywith all the free games and services (IF they do not know when to stop). Viruses attack the computer and cause loss of information, like in online shopping, credit card numbers are easily exposed. People sit in front of the computer and this indirectly causes the lack of exercise and rise in the number of obesity cases. Students become reliant on the Internet and do not know how to think themselves. You can compare the differences between having and not having the Internet then you can find out the changes brought by the Internet. What would you have done if the Internet wasn't invented?

For the title, you can simply write 'The Internet' or something like that.
Hope this can help! ^_^
參考: Myself ^_^

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