maths...緊急!!大大送20 分呀

2009-08-10 3:00 am
1) The salaries tax rates on different levels of net chargeable income in a certain country are shown below:
1st $35000 >>2%
next $35000>>7%
next $35000>>12%

(a) salaries tax= $10750 [唔使step]
(b) In order to prepare for the tax payment, Mr.chan decides to deposit a fixed amount of money in a bank on the 1st day of each month.
Interest rate>>3%p.a., compounded monthly
If the amount accumulated in the bank at the end of the 6th month is sufficient for him to pay for the salaries tax, what is the fixed amount deposited in each month? (Ans, $1780)

2. If a-2x=9, find the value of (a2x-a-2x)/(ax-a-x), where a>0 and x is an integer. (ans, 10/3)
3. suppose 2x-y =4k and 23y-x =k, where x, y,k are integers.
(a) show that x=2y+1
(b) find a set of possible values of x,y,k
(ans, x=3, y=1, k=1)

4. simplify (√2+√3-√6)2-(√2-√3+√6)2
Ans,4√6- 8√3

5. 2(9 x/2-17(3 2/x)-9=0
(ans, 4)
6. It is given that
2x X 4y =16
(√3)x= 27 y+1
where x and y are rational numbers.
Set up 2 simultaneous linear equations in x and y, hence solve x ,y

(ans, x= 9/2, y= -1/4)

7. Subtract x5-x4-3x2+7x+1 from the product of
x2+1 and 7x5+3x4-2x3-x2+x+6
The result is another polynomial.
Find (a)its constant term (ans -5)
(b) the coefficient of x4 (ans -3)

8. let f(x) =x 2003 +2
(a) when f(x)is divided by x+1, remainder=1
(b) show when x 2003 +2 is divided by 8, remainder=1 *(要step)
(c) using the result in (b), find the remainder when x 2003 is divided by 8
(ans, 7)

9. Let f(x)= 2kx3-9kx2+(k-2)x+2k+8
(b) (i) quotient= 20x2-5x-7
(ii) using the results in (a) (bi), solve f(x)=4
(ans of (ii) x=2 or x=(53√65)/40 )

(c) find the remainder when (f(x-1))2 is divided by x-2.
Hence, find the remainder when 19 550 318 2 is divided by 99.
(ans, 16, 16)

tmr 要交啦....../_\
盡量解晒d questions
(唔識既skip 左先)



第9 條b(i)果度 k=5

回答 (1)

2009-08-10 3:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) i^(12)=0.03,i(12)/12=0.0025

Let R is the required amount



2 a^-2x=9=>a^(2x)=1/9=>a^x=1/3

The (a2x-a-2x)/(ax-a-x)=[(1/9)-9]/[(1/3-3)]=10/3

3 2^(x-y)=4k,2^(3y-x)=k



Possible answer is x=3, y=1, k=1

4 (√2+√3-√6)2-(√2-√3+√6)2

Let a=√2,b=√3-√6

The expression simplified to 4ab=4√6- 8√3

5 I don't know your question

6 2^(x+2y)=2^4 and 3^(x/2)=3^(3y+3)

=>x+2y=4 and x/2=3y+3

So x=9/2 and y=-1/4

7 (a) 1-6=-5
(b) -1-(-1+3)=-3

8(a) f(x) = x^2003 + 2
The remainder is f(–1) = (–1)^2003 + 2 = –1 + 2 = 1

(b) Form (a), when ( x^2003 + 2 ) is divided by ( x + 1 ), the remainder is 1.
Put x = 7
then when ( 7^2003 + 2 ) is divided by ( 7 + 1 = 8 ), the remainder is 1.

(c) From (b), when ( 7^2003 + 2 ) is divided by ( 7 + 1 = 8 ), the remainder is 1.
i.e. ( 7^2003 + 2 ) – 1 is divisible by 8.
( 7^2003 + 1 ) is divisible by 8.
Let 7^2003 + 1 = 8k for some integer k
7^2003 = 8k – 1
= 8k – 8 + 7
= 8 ( k – 1 ) + 7
= 8m + 7
Therefore, when 7^2003 is divided by 8, the remainder is 7.

9(a) f(x)=4kx^3-9kx^2+(k-2)x+2k+8
(b) Sub. x=-1,f(-1)=-4k-9k-k+2+2k+8=10-12k=>k=5
(ii) f(x)=20x^3-45x^2+3x+18=(x-2)(20x^2-5x-7)+4
The quotient is 20x^2-5x-7
(iii) f(x)=4=> we need to solve (x-2)(20x^2-5x-7)=0 which have the roots x=2 or x=(53√65)/40)
(c) Sub. x=2 into [f(x-1)]^2 we have [f(1)]^2=16. Hence the remainder is 16. Sub x=101 f(101-1)=f(100)=19550318, So the remainder is 16

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