Why God need angels or messengers ?

2009-08-08 12:49 pm
If god to do every thing then why he or she needs messengers or angels ? why god Create us give me a solid answer, thanks

回答 (15)

2009-08-08 12:54 pm
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He is camera shy...

Why did god created Us: To have an audience.. *clap clap clap.
2009-08-08 12:54 pm
Well according to Naomi it's because he has a lot of things to do.

Ironic, no? They say God lives outside of time, yet here is someone who professes to be a devout Christian saying he is restricted by time.
2009-08-08 1:00 pm
because if he appeared to the people that would mean that he exists, instead he needs to find a select few, give them conflicting gods and messages and create religious wars for entertainment.

i <3 god and his smiting.
2009-08-08 12:59 pm
Cause when man created god man believed god was in the clouds and thus clouds are white and to get there you must have to fly.
2009-08-08 12:53 pm
Because man created God, and didn't think things through logically when writing the Bible.
2009-08-08 12:54 pm
If you're the boss, wouldn't you like to employ people to help run your company?
2009-08-08 4:53 pm
why do a CEO needs a secretary? parents need children? people need a pet? it helps them in their purpose and it make them feel good being around others with the same goals.
2009-08-08 1:44 pm
It is just like a big business they are his hired help
2009-08-08 1:26 pm
Messengers are needed because G-d is so awesome and beyond our comprehension that to hear G-d's voice directly would drive us mad, perhaps even kill us. Seeing G-d in person would do the same for that same reason...because G-d is just something that our mortal meat brains cannot fathom or process. So the angels are there to be something we can communicate with.
2009-08-08 1:15 pm
because he doesn't have msn.
2009-08-08 1:01 pm
God does not NEED messengers.
He CHOOSES to have them.
2009-08-08 12:59 pm
I think if you can accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and believe to God and also to Christ you will have all your answers.
2009-08-08 12:58 pm
God delights in His creation and Angels delight in Him,it is a perfect relationship of love, Angels adore God and rejoice in doing service to Him and God although having no need of anyone to do His bidding increases the love that the Angels have for him by letting them serve Him as they desire.
God created us for the very same reason that He created Angels which is for His own glory and so that all might be infinitely happy with Him by sharing in His own wonderful life.
God bless.
2009-08-08 12:57 pm
just take an example of an company, why a boss needs the imploy if he chad the money and able to do his work?
ans-its just that he cant be every where at the same time ,as he is only one . in the same way god can not be every where at the same time, and there are many problems with every one that why god created angels and messengers
2009-08-08 12:56 pm
angles speak what ever god says. messengers '' for example ' in islam they come down to spread islam.

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