釋英文 非常好急架!

2009-08-08 10:53 pm

1. 足以證明已向稅局申報支付酬金

2. 我們之前已經出過確認書比他們簽署,但他們冇回覆,所以如果我們今年再出過,他們都不會回覆。所以我們今年不會再出。


回答 (3)

2009-08-11 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 足以證明已向稅局申報支付酬金
It is sufficient to prove that the payment of remuneration has been filed to the Inland Revenue Department.
2. 我們之前已經出過確認書比他們簽署,但他們冇回覆,所以如果我們今年再出過,他們都不會回覆。所以我們今年不會再出。
We have issued the letter of confirmation for their signatures before. However, they did not reply. Hence, they will not reply if we reissue the letters to them this year again. Therefore, we will not issue the letters this year again.
2009-08-16 1:43 am
1. We have sufficient proof that the remuneration paid to them had been submitted to the Inland Revenue Department.
2. We had sent them previously acknowledgement letters requesting them to confirm the receipt of the remuneration thereof. No reply had been received. In view of this, this year, we had not sent out these acknowledgement letters again for their confirmation.
2009-08-09 2:06 am
This is a proof that the information regarding such remuneration had been reported to the Inland Revenue Department.

Confirmations were sent to them for the past years. However we neither received any properly signed confirmation nor reply.

Therefore we will not send confirmation to them this year as we believe that they will not reply to us too.

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