
2009-08-08 8:15 pm
我要2個b0ok report .thz.1個20分.我俾咗20先.
你要回哂all question 先有.
你只要填橫線上果d.[ ]果d係唔洗做.
↓係b0ok rEport 1
***********report 1***********
----------------------------------part 1-----------------------------------------
1.)the first b0ok i read is [black beauty/little women/secret garden] [要係尼d其中1本書]
2.)It was written by___________.
3.)I think the b0ok is (use 3 adjectives to describe the b0ok: e.g.
exciting,thilling ,funny ,interesting, diffcult, entertaining ,boring,
4.)Explain why you used these adjectives to describe the b0ok.
唔該.你要寫返哂你寫上面寫咗果3個adj 既原因.thz.
I think this b0ok is__________because___________________.
I think this b0ok is__________because___________________.
I think this b0ok is__________because___________________.
----------------------------------part 2------------------------------------------
Tell us about tw0 main characters in the story.
5.)Name of the first main character:________________________
6.)Do you like him/her ? why?

7.)Name of the second main character:______________________
8.)How is he/she related to first main character?Do they like each
other ?why 0r why not ?
***********************report 1完**********************
report 2一陣先post .
thz f0r help.
bye bye.

回答 (1)

2009-08-08 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.)the first b0ok i read is little women.
It was written by___louisa may alcott________.
3.)I think the b0ok is (use 3 adjectives to describe the b0ok: e.g.
exciting,thilling ,funny ,interesting, diffcult, entertaining ,boring,
_interesting, entertaining and difficult_________________________________________________
4.)Explain why you used these adjectives to describe the b0ok.
唔該.你要寫返哂你寫上面寫咗果3個adj 既原因.thz.
I think this b0ok is_interesting _________because_it tells us how life it was at those times__________________.
I think this b0ok is_entertaining _________because_there are funny bits and sad bits in it. I could picture the scences in my head just like watching a drama__________________.
I think this b0ok is_difficult_________because___sometimes there are some words or phrases that I could not understand________________.
----------------------------------part 2------------------------------------------
Tell us about tw0 main characters in the story.
5.)Name of the first main character:_jo_______________________
6.)Do you like him/her ? why?
___I like her because she cut of her own hair to sell it to the wig shop to get money for her mother. I think it is something most girls won't do. I think she is quite couragious as well.

7.)Name of the second main character:___meg___________________
8.)How is he/she related to first main character?Do they like each
other ?why 0r why not ?
__she is the older sister of jo and the eldest daughter of the house. I don't like her because she sometimes is a bit too bossy.
參考: myself

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