✔ 最佳答案
Before you choose any religion, ask this question - do you know what you want, what you have always wanted, what you will always want? What do you want?
Here is a simple story I have read and want to share:
If somebody lost their child, they wouldn't pray for money. They would pray for one thing and one thing only: "God, can you please have my child returned to me?" That's it.
If somebody has been told by a doctor, "You have cancer, you're dying," what do they pray for? Do they pray for higher education? Do they pray for another child? No. They say, "God, either make this as painless as possible or take away my cancer."
Let me tell you about a possibility as one human being to another. I propose that what you want in your life does not need a name. You can call it peace, you can call it happiness, you can call it liberation, you can call it joy - not a problem. Why? Because these are just different names for the same thing. When the heart is content, there will be joy. When the heart is content, there will be peace.
What is the difference between darkness and light? In darkness, you cannot see. When you cannot see, you cannot avoid the obstacles. All of the stumbling blocks, all of the obstacles on the road do not disappear when the sun rises in the morning. But you can see them, and, because you can see, you can avoid them. Light doesn’t take away obstacles; light illuminates them.
What do I give? Do I take away people's obstacles? No. I give them a lamp so that they can see, so that they can avoid what they want to avoid. That's how it is. That's what you need.
What does this being really want? This being has the most amazing aspiration it could ever have - to feel the infinite. This is the highest ambition: when a mortal wants to reach and touch and feel the immortal. That's an incredible but beautiful ambition
2009-08-13 19:52:12 補充:
發問者: yausp88 兄,
( 這是我在這裡答其他網友的一個問題的回覆, 相信可以作為補充你的補充 )
造物主創造了天地萬物, He (造物主) is a power, 不言亦不語, 祂藉着一切的受造物, 教導人類智慧。
2009-08-13 19:52:49 補充:
另一方面, 人類也創造了一個世界 (這就是吃禁果的比喩), 這個世界一直發展至今天, 產生了各式各樣的問題, 縱觀我們的歷史,很多有心的人, have leant the wisdom in that silence, tried to save us from that miseries, (the following is my personal opinion) Jesus should be one, 老子 is one, 佛祖 should be one, and many others.
2009-08-13 19:53:29 補充:
隨着這些人物的消逝, 衍生了各式各樣的宗教、學說、思想和哲學, 試圖解决人本身的問題, 以及人與人之間的問題。
這些宗教、學說、思想和哲學, 當然也發揮了各式各樣的作用, 但其中最根本的問題, 人都不快樂 ...
2009-08-13 19:54:02 補充:
天主教或基督教, 向我們承諾了死後的天堂, 那麽今生又如何呢? 况且有沒有 next life 呢?
人不快樂的問題, 終究可以怎麼樣解决呢?
2009-08-15 18:16:13 補充:
發問者: yausp88兄,
在你選擇任何宗教之前,請問自己一個問題 – 你希望得到甚麼?
2009-08-15 18:16:48 補充:
2009-08-15 18:17:29 補充:
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