What to do when rabbit rips its claw out.?

2009-08-07 5:47 pm
Iv researched it and it says i need to go to the vet. I have no way of getting to the vet. I can afford the treatment but not the lift. Dads just *ucked off to his gfs and just left us.

The bleeding has stopped now but iv read that she needs to go to the vets to avoid infection. Iv also read NOT to use cornstarch as it also adds to the infection.

What should i do? what can i use? there would be no point in putting a bandage on her as she would only pull it off. I have enough common sence to realise that she needs some sort of attention. I know what not to do but i dont know what to do!

Should i just use salt water? what should i do, what can i do? Is there anything i can put on it to stop like sawdust getting in there and causing infection or anything.

We also think shes pregnant which adds to the drama. She lost quite a bit of blood but can walk on it and just keeps licking it.

What should i do?

Seriouse answers only please.

Thanks in advance

Maisy recovered quikly. She cleaned it up her self but wouldnt let me near her to touch it so i managed to soak it in salt water and obvs cleaned her hutch and what ever else. She is fine and healthy. Apparently it happens alot and just to keep it clean. But thanks to every one :) you helped alot.

回答 (4)

2009-08-07 5:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Now, I'm all for heading to the vet when necessary. In this case, it isn't necessary at this point in time. As long as the nail is totally off (not hanging) and it isn't bleeding, clean it up with some antiseptic or a mild antibacterial soap and keep an eye on it. It's not an emergency. Monitor the wound for swelling, redness or discharge, and consult your vet if that happens. Otherwise, a vet shouldn't be required. Keep the paw and her cage scrupulously clean while it's healing and monitor like any other open wound. It will grow back given a bit of time.
2009-08-07 5:54 pm
Go On the city bus, ask ur dad for money to go to the mall with some friends, but really take the money and call a cab to the vets?! find a way there before she hurts her self really badly ?!
2009-08-08 3:49 pm
There are lots of veins in the nail/ toe area which is why it has bled lots. Ideally, you need to ensure that it is has been cleansed and then avoid touching/ batheing it so the bleeding stops. Put her in a nice clean cage with her usual nibbles and water and make sure she continues to feed/ drink as normal. Keep an eye on her breathing; she needs to be kept quiet and not flustered so you can make sure she's not in too much pain.

I understand that you might not be able to take her to the vets just yet. Normally this would be first piece of advice but other than that monitor her carefully and if she still seems out of character and the nail area is swollen or bleeding still you must take her to the vets tomorrow. A rabbit can't tell you when its in pain and will do all it can to hide it so that's why its really important to know your pet to know when its out of character. If your worried still contact a vet for free on the phone advice or an organisation such as Rabbit Welfare Association. Hopefully it will begin to heal on its own. Good luck!
2009-08-07 6:01 pm
well wen my rabbit did this my dad took care of it but if u have no ride to the vet then u should call them and ask them wat u can do. then wen ur dad gets back have him take u. i wouldnt put sawdust on it because the dust could get healled into the sore. like wen u have a sliver and u dont get it out. same thing. as for salt water if the book doesnt say not to then thats wat i would do. u could also try puting it in the bath tub and try to clean it. then just let it air dry.
參考: i have 4 rabbits and this has happened to me

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