what is the answer to 50x2525-65=?

2009-08-07 9:02 am
please tell me the answer any one with out using a caulcater

回答 (7)

2009-08-07 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
x ........50

‒ ........65

50 x 2525 - 65
= 126250 - 65
= 126185
2009-08-07 4:12 pm
=252500/2 -65=126250 - 65=126185
God bless you.
2009-08-07 4:12 pm
You can treat 50 * 2525 as (100 * 2525) / 2 and then subtract 65 or

50 * 2525 - 50 - 15 = 50(2525 - 1) - 15 = 50 * 2524 - 15

50 * 2524 is 100 * 2524/2 = 100 * 1262 so 126200 - 15 = 126185
2009-08-07 4:09 pm
2009-08-07 4:09 pm
50x2525-65= = (100/2)×2525 – 65 = 252500/2 - 65
= 126250 - 65 = 126185
2009-08-07 4:08 pm
2525x50 = 126250

==> 126250 - 65 = 126185
2009-08-07 4:06 pm
50x2525-65 = 126185
參考: vedic maths

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