English Q~ Sentance Study

2009-08-08 7:02 am
Only then can we broaden our stock market, generating a virtuous circle of the more mainland enterprises we boast, the more will come to list here, and leaving our competitors behind.
Q1, In this sentance, can I change it to become "Only then can we broaden our stock market, generate a virtuous circle of the more mainland enterprises we boast, the more will come to list here, and leave our competitors behind."?
What is the problem if I changed it?
Thanks !!

回答 (1)

2009-08-08 2:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案

而the more will come to list here這句是屬於comment clause(評述子句),既為評述子句,為了使結構更清楚,我們可以將它抽出,也不會影響結構,所以句子可試寫為
Only then can we broaden our stock market, generating a virtuous circle of the more mainland enterprises we boast, and leaving our competitors behind
如:He left here at five and arrived at Tai Po at six,就可以寫成:
He left here at five, arriving at Tai po at six.


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