關於英文 急要 多謝呀

2009-08-07 8:26 pm
英文 詞性就有 verb adj noun pronoun prep adv conj 咁 adj 可以+ verb 或 adj + noun 或 pronoun + noun , noun + verb , verb + prep
adv+ verb , adv + adj 我想問 除左呢d仲有冇其他 同埋我想要 呢d 組合 嫁 句子 e.g 幫助我理解, thx ps: pronoun 係咩黎 有邊d

回答 (2)

2009-08-08 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
verb + adj - She ran quickly
adj + noun- a red box
pro + noun - it is a box
noun + verb - the dog ran
verb + prep - the box is on the table
adv + verb - ?
adv + adj - ?
pronoun are words used in place of a noun or noun phrase e.g he she it me them you us we our...
參考: myself
2009-08-10 7:55 am



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